Monday, September 14, 2009

Tea Party Express A Resounding Success

tu ne cede malis

On Friday August 28th in Sacramento, California, The Tea Party Express began it’s national tour ending in a rally in Washington D.C. on last Saturday with a very large turnout of concerned American citizens. My opinion of the size of the rally in Washington, after watching several reports on Foxnews - it was BIG I mean really really BIG - how big was it? Humongous! As it traveled on its route throughout our nation making some 32 stops along the way, turnout varied, but the message stayed the same - government - stop the spending, it’s our money not yours, we do not want socialism, we want our liberty and freedom, Washington - you are out of control, out of touch with “we the people“, we do not want our healthcare controlled by our government, we want smaller government not an expansion of government…give us our country back, we are giving you notice - “we the people” are going to take our country back, and much more…

I believe this is only the beginning of a truly grass roots movement that in the coming months is going grow larger and larger. As The Tea Party Express this summer culminated in Washington D.C. this last Saturday,
it was largely uncovered by the mainstream media, and covered extensively by Foxnews. It has been discounted by the Whitehouse, as not representing the American people, and not correct in it’s assumptions.
I say, that’s ok for them to think and say the things they’re saying in opposition to these events. I am sure that this movement is not going away and there will be a price for many present members of Congress to pay in the 2010 elections for not heeding the message of “we the people” during the past event of The Tea Party Express.

I took the opportunity to attend one of the local Tea Party Express stops, in Jackson, Michigan last Tuesday at noon, Sept. 8th, and decided to follow them to their next stop in Brighton, Michigan, in the afternoon.
I’m posting some pictures I took at both the Jackson and Brighton, Michigan rallies and want to apologize to the people who I gave my card to, saying that I would post the pictures to this blog in 2-3 days. I had some personal things that needed my immediate attention and was unable to make the postings.

I want to give acknowledgements to some of the people who were involved with The Tea Party Express by speaking or singing at the rallies or both. I’ve provided a link to each of them, so you can click on the links and find out exactly who they are, watch and hear them sing.

Deborah Johns,
Vice Chairman, Our Country Deserves Better PAC

Mark William,
Vice Chairman, Our Country Deserves Better PAC

Lloyd Marcus,
Performing “American Tea Party Anthem”(watch)

Rivoli Revue,
Performing “A Bailout Song”(watch)

Diana Nagy,
Performing “Where Freedom Flies”(watch)

Amy Kremer,
Tea >Party Leader/Blogger, Southern Belle Politics

I hope to see The Tea Party Express again in the summer of 2010, it would be very appropriate as a prelude to the 2010 elections.

While at The Tea Party Express in Jackson, Michigan last week, I had the opportunity to meet Mark Williams, Lloyd Marcus, Diana Nagy, and Ron and Kay Rivoli. They are all patriots and real people and it was a pleasure to meet and briefly talk with them. In the pictures I’ve posted, there is one of me with Ron and Kay Rivoli.

The biggest thing I learned, but actually felt more than I learned from The Tea Party Express rallies I had the opportunity to attend, was that I am not alone in my thinking about my country, there are millions of fellow Americans with like thoughts as mine, thank you Tea Party Express, and god bless you my fellow Americans. I am proud to be an American!

tu ne cede malis

Liberty Tom

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