tu ne cede malis
Well here we go again, last week Jimmy Carter, the “national hemorrhoid“, as Rush has referred to Ex-Pres., thank god, James Earl Carter, came out playing the old race card. I call Rush Limbaugh, Rush, mainly because it’s his name, I’ve never met him or spoke with him, yet, but I consider him a friend of mine. Also, I don’t think it is necessary to use Limbaugh because everyone should know who Rush is. Back to the race card: This time, letting it be known that if one disagrees with Pres. Obama, our first black President, then they must be a racist. Wait a minute, wasn’t Bill Clinton declared our first black-American president by Toni Morrison back in 1998? Whatever happened to that?
I am sick and tired of the democrats and/or the liberals constantly calling on the race card when they do not and can not have open debate over some issue that we face. Why don’t you people grow up and face reality - you and your kind of thinking are wrong, period, end of discussion. I know, wishful thinking. I address this to the “liberals” out there: How about if we say to each other - I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend your right to say it and/or have your beliefs you have, will you defend the same rights for me? I seriously doubt it, especially if it disagrees with your thought processes, even though they are probably misguided, uninformed and most likely ignorant. Take heart, though, I know that “liberalism is a curable disease,” believe me, I have first hand knowledge of that.
I understand what Obama and his followers are trying to do to our country, and while I have respect for the office of the Presidency, I have little respect for the man who currently occupies that office. I disagree with most of the things he is trying to change with America, as do a growing number of correct thinking Americans. Witness the recent Tea Party Express huge success in Washington D.C. on September 12th.
And don’t tell me those were right wing nuts, mobsters or racist etc. I went to Two Tea Party Express rallies on their route to Washington, and met some people who attended and also I met several of the people who spoke and sang with the Tea Party Express. What I witnessed was a bunch of people expressing their rights of peaceful demonstration, assembly, and freedom of speech. The people were everyday American citizens that felt that coming to the rally was a way of expressing those god given rights. But the left wants to brand them as “Nazi’s, “mobsters”, “misinformed”, and now racist, if they disagree with the President. Check out some pictures I took at Tea Party Express rallies: Jackson, Michigan and Brighton, Michigan
Rush covered this current manifestation of the race card, that comes out of the Democrats play book on his show last Wednesday and Thursday. Last week he reported that 55%, according to the current Rasmussen Poll, of Americans disapprove of the healthcare bill that President Obama wants passed. This week I heard by one of my news sources, that it was 57% disapproval. Now, let’s see - I checked another one of my sources, The 2010 Almanac of American Politics, and it states that Obama won last years election with 53% of the vote to McCain’s 46%. I also remember, that some of Obama’s supporters were calling it a landslide election, which it actually wasn’t - I looked “landslide election” up also - just google it. Let’s suppose it was a landslide election, then couldn’t we say that 57% disapproval rating would be an overwhelming plurality of the American people that do not want government run healthcare? ( Click on article in the American Prospect.) Now we hear that Sen. Harry Reid might use this process, and jam a healthcare bill down the American peoples throat, like it or not.
By the way, The Almanac of American Politics *2010* is a really great source. It has in-depth profiles and photographs of every governor and member of Congress and a whole bunch of other relevant, useful information in one source. It has over 1700 pages, it’s a little pricey, but well worth the price, and you could purchase it here in my amazon store: click here.
Getting back to Rush’s comments of last week:
“This racial bs is nothing more than an admission of defeat on the substance of the healthcare takeover in the process. That is all this is, they can not win on substance and so that means they have to turn to scorched earth politics and policies and that includes calling half the people nazi’s, half the country an angry, unruly mob and now over half the country are racist, simply because they criticize Obama. And now they bring out Jimmy Carter…and have him go along with all this mindless racial stuff, this is tantamount admission of defeat on the substance of the healthcare take-over bill.” Rush continued: “…oh, we’ll get a bill, but not this bill he wanted, it’s going down in flames…”
Since we have taken the Obama and the libs, diversionary tactic of the race card and have briefly diverted from the main debate over national healthcare, I'd like to continue, in the very near future, with some other things that I wanted to mention and briefly discuss with you on the subject of race. So, I’ll sign off for now, and say - to be continued...
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
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