Sunday, June 21, 2009

Best Political Books

Over the weekend, I bought a copy of what I consider as one of the best political books recently written. Now I'm going to use best political books in a broad sense. I'll use best political books to encompass any subject matter that we all should, I believe, be aware of as Americans. Certainly, this will be one man's opinion, but we are all opinionated to a lesser or greater degree, aren't we?

I'm not going to give a book review, I hated giving book reports in school, but I will say a few things about it and the author. I read it and place it in my best political books category. The book is:
Glenn Beck's Common Sense, The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government.

I try to watch The Glenn Beck Show everyday on Fox, or at least record it for later playback. Glenn states that his book was inspired by Thomas Paine, who wrote Common Sense in 1776, which I would also place in the best political books category.

I purchased Glenn's book and also the audible, which is read by the author. I really enjoy audible books, especially if they are read by the author, but that's another story for another time, perhaps. I believe Glenn Beck is truly a patriot worth watching. He gives us a lot of information and food for thought. I am also a member of The 9.12 Project, that he started.

I enjoyed his
Common Sense, and highly recommend it as a must read, one among many on my best political books list. It made me think of a political bumper sticker I have on the back of my car, it reads: "LIBERALISM IS A CURABLE DISEASE."

In the near future, I might share with you a list of some of the best political books that we can expose ourselves to. Especially now more than ever, in the times we live in, there is an urgency that we all make ourselves aware of what is going on in Washington D.C. I know, you may say, things have always been going on in Washington... This is different, our politicians are out of control - I'm trying to say - "Wake-Up America!" Don't let your children or grandchildren, someday, ask you- ...why did you let this happen?

Maybe you'll start a best political books library, as I have and share some of those best political books with friends and relatives.

Happy Father's Day, to all the fathers out there.

Liberty Tom

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