Thursday, October 1, 2009

Some Thoughts on Race and Some, Living, American Patriots

tu ne cede malis

When the race card was recently brought into play in the never ending debate over national healthcare (see my last post to this blog), I thought about some of my views on the issue of race in our country.

A very profound and lasting impact was made on me almost 50 years ago. I read the book Black Like Me, by John Howard Griffin. For those of you not familiar with this book: It is the account of John Howard Griffin, a journalist living in Texas in 1959, who wanted to gain firsthand knowledge of what it was like to be a black person in the south. Through some treatments, he had his skin colored so he could pass as a black man. For several weeks he traveled, by bus and hitch-hiking through Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia. A movie was made of the book in 1964, starring James Whitmore. I was repulsed by his treatment he reported on, then and I was repulsed, perhaps even more so today , as I viewed the movie again, in ten minute segments, at I recommend Black Like Me to everyone who has not read it. For those of you who have read it, I recommend you revisit either the book or the movie or both.

I think we have come a long way in fifty years from what it was like back then, but ignorance, white ignorance as well as black ignorance is still alive in our nation. Now I can’t speak for white people and I surely can’t speak for black people, but I can speak for myself.

Martin Luther King gave his famous “I Have a Dream Speech” in 1963 during The March on Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963. The march has been reported as the largest demonstration ever seen in the nation’s capital, and unlike the recent “Tea Party Express” march on Washington on September 12, 2009, it had extensive television coverage. One might say that the mainstream news media was more like a news media back then, compared to what it has become today, propaganda rags for the left wing agenda, with the exception, for sure, of at least one “fair and balanced“ network, and of course many “fair and balanced” honest reporting websites on the internet. But that’s my opinion, last check - I still have the freedom to voice my opinion, I do believe. Also, how many of you knew that Martin Luther King was a Republican? Well, he was.

On November 4, 2009, Barack Hussein Obama was elected our 44th President of the United States. However, invoking the words of Martin Luther King, was Barack Obama judged by the color of his skin or by the content of his character? How much did we know about Barack Obama before he became President Obama? Go ahead, ask yourself that, how much did you know about the man, Barack Obama, about his beliefs, his past voting record, his associations, his influences that he exposed himself to, his education etc. etc., his character? Yes, America has come a long way in electing our first Black-American President, but are we also ready for, in the words of President Obama, “…fundamentally transforming the United States of America…”? What does “fundamentally transforming” mean to Barack Obama? Americans are finding this out, as the character of Barack Obama is on daily display. Is this the change Americans had in mind, “…change we can believe in…?” Maybe not, I think buyers remorse might be setting in.

I’ve referred to President Obama as our first Black-American President. News sources have reported him both as our “first Black-American President, and our “first African-American President,” depending on the news source and when it was reported. I’m always confused with what is the current “politically correct” term or terms to use. I do have a bumper sticker that says: “Politically Incorrect, and Proud of It.” I prefer: President Obama.

While recently, having the opportunity of exposing myself to “The Tea Party Express,” I was fortunate to learn about one of its traveling members: Lloyd Marcus. I think what a person says, how they say what they say and if they have the belief and conviction in what they are saying, goes a long way in showing their true character. Now, up to the time of the Tea Party Express phenomenon, I was not aware of Lloyd Marcus. After finding out about Lloyd Marcus, I can say what I really like about him. I like his views and beliefs on America, which can be gleaned by reading what he has to say. What caught my interest in him is how he introduces himself, in his own words: “I enthusiastically enter the stage, “Hello my fellow patriots! I am not an African-American…I am Lloyd Marcus…American!” The mostly white crowds go wild with applause and cheers of approval. I feel their relief and gratitude of a black man who loves his country and is not hostile or resentful toward them.” Lloyd describes himself as an un-hyphenated American and believes that Americans want to feel united, and that we have been divided too long by “political correctness.” So check out some things Lloyd Marcus has said, here.

I want to take the time to point out another American Patriot, that I have been aware of a while longer than Lloyd Marcus, and the work she is doing. Francis Rice is a retired lawyer and Army Lieutenant Colonel, is chairman of the National Black Republican Association. The National Black Republican Association website is

In their own words : “The mission of the National Black Republican Association (NBRA) is to be a resource for the black community on Republican ideals and promote the traditional values of the black community which are the core values of the Republican Party: strong families, faith in God, personal responsibility, quality education, and equal opportunities for all. The goal of the NBRA is to return black Americans to their Republican Party roots by enlightening them about how Republicans fought for their freedom and civil rights, and are now fighting for their educational and economic advancement.”

I’d like to take what the website states in their “About The NBRA” page a step further and say that there is a wealth of information for all Americans contained in the pages of the National Black Republican Association website.

In conclusion, when Americans voice their opposition to President Obama, I believe that they are finding out just what he meant by “…fundamentally changing the United States of America…” They are finding out that the changes he has in mind for America and the changes a growing number of American have in mind, are two different things. Are Americans who question or disagree with President Obama being racist? If they question or disagree with him because he is black or African-American, then probably they are. But if they question or disagree with his policies (the “fundamental change”) and don’t really care what his ethnic background is, how are they being racist? By using the race card and trying to divide and conquer America, the Democrats and the President just might be galvanizing the opposition. So to them I say, keep up the good work.

tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito

Liberty Tom

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Disagree With Obama - You Are A Racist

tu ne cede malis

Well here we go again, last week Jimmy Carter, the “national hemorrhoid“, as Rush has referred to Ex-Pres., thank god, James Earl Carter, came out playing the old race card. I call Rush Limbaugh, Rush, mainly because it’s his name, I’ve never met him or spoke with him, yet, but I consider him a friend of mine. Also, I don’t think it is necessary to use Limbaugh because everyone should know who Rush is. Back to the race card: This time, letting it be known that if one disagrees with Pres. Obama, our first black President, then they must be a racist. Wait a minute, wasn’t Bill Clinton declared our first black-American president by Toni Morrison back in 1998? Whatever happened to that?

I am sick and tired of the democrats and/or the liberals constantly calling on the race card when they do not and can not have open debate over some issue that we face. Why don’t you people grow up and face reality - you and your kind of thinking are wrong, period, end of discussion. I know, wishful thinking. I address this to the “liberals” out there: How about if we say to each other - I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend your right to say it and/or have your beliefs you have, will you defend the same rights for me? I seriously doubt it, especially if it disagrees with your thought processes, even though they are probably misguided, uninformed and most likely ignorant. Take heart, though, I know that “liberalism is a curable disease,” believe me, I have first hand knowledge of that.

I understand what Obama and his followers are trying to do to our country, and while I have respect for the office of the Presidency, I have little respect for the man who currently occupies that office. I disagree with most of the things he is trying to change with America, as do a growing number of correct thinking Americans. Witness the recent Tea Party Express huge success in Washington D.C. on September 12th.
And don’t tell me those were right wing nuts, mobsters or racist etc. I went to Two Tea Party Express rallies on their route to Washington, and met some people who attended and also I met several of the people who spoke and sang with the Tea Party Express. What I witnessed was a bunch of people expressing their rights of peaceful demonstration, assembly, and freedom of speech. The people were everyday American citizens that felt that coming to the rally was a way of expressing those god given rights. But the left wants to brand them as “Nazi’s, “mobsters”, “misinformed”, and now racist, if they disagree with the President. Check out some pictures I took at Tea Party Express rallies: Jackson, Michigan and Brighton, Michigan

Rush covered this current manifestation of the race card, that comes out of the Democrats play book on his show last Wednesday and Thursday. Last week he reported that 55%, according to the current Rasmussen Poll, of Americans disapprove of the healthcare bill that President Obama wants passed. This week I heard by one of my news sources, that it was 57% disapproval. Now, let’s see - I checked another one of my sources, The 2010 Almanac of American Politics, and it states that Obama won last years election with 53% of the vote to McCain’s 46%. I also remember, that some of Obama’s supporters were calling it a landslide election, which it actually wasn’t - I looked “landslide election” up also - just google it. Let’s suppose it was a landslide election, then couldn’t we say that 57% disapproval rating would be an overwhelming plurality of the American people that do not want government run healthcare? ( Click on article in the American Prospect.) Now we hear that Sen. Harry Reid might use this process, and jam a healthcare bill down the American peoples throat, like it or not.

By the way, The Almanac of American Politics *2010* is a really great source. It has in-depth profiles and photographs of every governor and member of Congress and a whole bunch of other relevant, useful information in one source. It has over 1700 pages, it’s a little pricey, but well worth the price, and you could purchase it here in my amazon store: click here.

Getting back to Rush’s comments of last week:

“This racial bs is nothing more than an admission of defeat on the substance of the healthcare takeover in the process. That is all this is, they can not win on substance and so that means they have to turn to scorched earth politics and policies and that includes calling half the people nazi’s, half the country an angry, unruly mob and now over half the country are racist, simply because they criticize Obama. And now they bring out Jimmy Carter…and have him go along with all this mindless racial stuff, this is tantamount admission of defeat on the substance of the healthcare take-over bill.” Rush continued: “…oh, we’ll get a bill, but not this bill he wanted, it’s going down in flames…”

Since we have taken the Obama and the libs, diversionary tactic of the race card and have briefly diverted from the main debate over national healthcare, I'd like to continue, in the very near future, with some other things that I wanted to mention and briefly discuss with you on the subject of race. So, I’ll sign off for now, and say - to be continued...

Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito


Monday, September 14, 2009

Tea Party Express A Resounding Success

tu ne cede malis

On Friday August 28th in Sacramento, California, The Tea Party Express began it’s national tour ending in a rally in Washington D.C. on last Saturday with a very large turnout of concerned American citizens. My opinion of the size of the rally in Washington, after watching several reports on Foxnews - it was BIG I mean really really BIG - how big was it? Humongous! As it traveled on its route throughout our nation making some 32 stops along the way, turnout varied, but the message stayed the same - government - stop the spending, it’s our money not yours, we do not want socialism, we want our liberty and freedom, Washington - you are out of control, out of touch with “we the people“, we do not want our healthcare controlled by our government, we want smaller government not an expansion of government…give us our country back, we are giving you notice - “we the people” are going to take our country back, and much more…

I believe this is only the beginning of a truly grass roots movement that in the coming months is going grow larger and larger. As The Tea Party Express this summer culminated in Washington D.C. this last Saturday,
it was largely uncovered by the mainstream media, and covered extensively by Foxnews. It has been discounted by the Whitehouse, as not representing the American people, and not correct in it’s assumptions.
I say, that’s ok for them to think and say the things they’re saying in opposition to these events. I am sure that this movement is not going away and there will be a price for many present members of Congress to pay in the 2010 elections for not heeding the message of “we the people” during the past event of The Tea Party Express.

I took the opportunity to attend one of the local Tea Party Express stops, in Jackson, Michigan last Tuesday at noon, Sept. 8th, and decided to follow them to their next stop in Brighton, Michigan, in the afternoon.
I’m posting some pictures I took at both the Jackson and Brighton, Michigan rallies and want to apologize to the people who I gave my card to, saying that I would post the pictures to this blog in 2-3 days. I had some personal things that needed my immediate attention and was unable to make the postings.

I want to give acknowledgements to some of the people who were involved with The Tea Party Express by speaking or singing at the rallies or both. I’ve provided a link to each of them, so you can click on the links and find out exactly who they are, watch and hear them sing.

Deborah Johns,
Vice Chairman, Our Country Deserves Better PAC

Mark William,
Vice Chairman, Our Country Deserves Better PAC

Lloyd Marcus,
Performing “American Tea Party Anthem”(watch)

Rivoli Revue,
Performing “A Bailout Song”(watch)

Diana Nagy,
Performing “Where Freedom Flies”(watch)

Amy Kremer,
Tea >Party Leader/Blogger, Southern Belle Politics

I hope to see The Tea Party Express again in the summer of 2010, it would be very appropriate as a prelude to the 2010 elections.

While at The Tea Party Express in Jackson, Michigan last week, I had the opportunity to meet Mark Williams, Lloyd Marcus, Diana Nagy, and Ron and Kay Rivoli. They are all patriots and real people and it was a pleasure to meet and briefly talk with them. In the pictures I’ve posted, there is one of me with Ron and Kay Rivoli.

The biggest thing I learned, but actually felt more than I learned from The Tea Party Express rallies I had the opportunity to attend, was that I am not alone in my thinking about my country, there are millions of fellow Americans with like thoughts as mine, thank you Tea Party Express, and god bless you my fellow Americans. I am proud to be an American!

tu ne cede malis

Liberty Tom

Click here to view these pictures larger

Click here to view these pictures larger

Monday, August 31, 2009


Peter Johnson August 31, 2009
Fox News Legal Analyst

tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito

Liberty Tom

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

National Healthcare Update

Tu ne cede malis

Now let’s see, where are we as far as national healthcare goes? The news of the day is changing so fast, it’s hard to keep up with what’s current and what’s old news.

Public support for a national healthcare bill, better known as Obamacare, and correctly labeled H.R. 3200, is losing much ground, as can be seen at town hall meetings being conducted by some of our representatives while they are on their summer recess. Most national polls show and correctly reported by Fox News, that the majority of American people do not want this national healthcare bill, what President Obama and the Democrat majority in congress are trying to get passed sometime this year. There are many news sites on the internet that report accurate and honest analysis of what’s going on with the issue of national healthcare. For me, as far as television, I don’t waste my time listening or watching junk from any of the “in the tank” for Obama and the Dems, so called news networks.

Getting back to the town hall meetings - I have noticed that it has been reported all over the internet, talk radio and on Fox News the negative response by some of our national leaders to the public speaking out at these town hall meetings. Nancy Pelosi calling them nazi’s and carrying swastika’s, another congressperson making a comparison to the KKK, while another congressperson decides to conduct a town hall meeting over the phone. Just because the people speaking out against the proposed national healthcare bill, that will be considered in the months ahead, disagree with it, they’ve been labeled as un-American, even mobsters and misinformed and more. Perhaps some of those congressional people are out of touch with their constituents or maybe they really don’t care what “we the people” think of this issue of national healthcare. What do you think?

Over the week-end, on one of the national news show, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), stated “… that if we don’t have a bipartisan bill we’ll never be able to meet the goal by having a law signed by the end of the year…so yes we are considering alternative means…” Meaning, what is called the nuclear option, a simple majority of 51 votes in the Senate. As opposed to the 60 votes needed to stop any filibuster. Looks like, maybe Charles, doesn’t have the 60 votes in the Senate. If the Democrats don’t get any Republican support, and go for the nuclear option, wouldn’t that be ramming it down the American peoples throat? Do you agree?

Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT), believes that we should wait until we get thru the recession before passing any national healthcare total bill, no reason to do it all now. Question: Why are the Democrats and The President in such a rush to get national healthcare (govt. controlled) passed? Oh, maybe I forgot, it’s one of those national crisis situations.

President Obama and the Democrats have control of the Whitehouse and both the House of Representatives and The Senate. They can get passed almost anything they want to get passed. They haven’t been able to get national healthcare passed and the longer it takes them the harder it becomes. Perhaps they have been trying to get national healthcare passed before the American people wake up and realize what, exactly, is in HR 3200 America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009. Well, I think that it was aptly stated by a person at one of those town hall meetings - “…you are awakening a sleeping giant…” Hope she is right -
Hey America - WAKE-UP!

A source of some really good information on this subject of national healthcare, play the YouTube video I have posted at the bottom of this article, it features Sally C. Pipes, author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care, A Citizen’s Guide.

One last question I will ask you - with this national healthcare - the question I must ask is - Do you want yourself and your family to be treated as a budget item by some government bureaucrat?

One last comment - Attorney General Eric Holder opens a CIA abuse investigation. That’s a good ploy, get the people off the subject of national healthcare and continue to demonize the last administration and the Republicans. Our national security doesn’t matter, the world loves Barack Obama, full steam ahead, let’s hear it for national healthcare, yea!

tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito

Liberty Tom

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Comparison and Some National Healthcare Questions

tu ne cede malis

Hi, how are you today? Took the time to go for a bike ride this morning. As I traveled on my short trek on my Trek, I had thoughts of what I have been reading lately and hearing on the news. A lot of it has been about national healthcare or what has been labeled by some as Obamacare. It made me think of a personal comparison I have between our healthcare system and the Canadian healthcare system.

Sometime in mid-October of 2008, I managed to injure my left shoulder in an accident while doing some work at home. I was moving some boxes that I had stored in my garage and I stumbled over something. In the process I managed to catch my fall by stretching my left hand out to the wall. My hand and arm grasped the wall, but the momentum kept my body moving forward. The result was very painful as I forced my arm and shoulder back into an unnatural position.

Now, I’m not the type person that runs to the doctor whenever I get a headache or upset stomach. I did some self administered first-aid immediately and returned to work on Monday. Luckily, for me it had happened early on Saturday morning, so I had the week-end to take it easy. I thought, that if I just took it easy I would heal in time, you know - body heal thyself. Needless to say, that didn’t happen. I called for a doctor’s appointment.

When I was examined by my doctor, he decided to send me to a specialist. He thought it might be a torn rotator cuff. After having an MRI scan a few days later, I returned to the specialist and he advised me I could have surgery or do some physical therapy that might help. I decided that therapy was the route to take. I had therapy 2-3 times a week for several weeks then was left on my own to continue the therapy exercises I had been taught. To this day I haven’t had any surgery.

Unknown to me at the time and not for about a month after my injury had occurred , I learned that a Canadian , I’ll call him Bill, working for the same company as myself, had suffered the same injury about the same time as mine. When I asked about him and what he was doing about it, his supervisor told me that he was on the waiting list for an MRI test. He told me that it wasn’t scheduled until mid-January 2009. To make a long story short, the essence of this story is: by the time Bill had his MRI test, I had seen my regular doctor, been to a specialist (an orthopedic), had an MRI test, back to the specialist and started on and was about half way or more through my physical therapy sessions at the doctor’s office.

Recently, I ran into a coworker of Bill’s and asked him about Bill. He told me that Bill finally returned to work about the end of this June or first part of July. Also, that he had hated every minute of the time off. I had expressed to my doctor that I didn’t want any restrictions placed on me and continued working after the injury. I don’t believe that was a choice for Bill.

Now, one could say, but his healthcare was provided by the government and therefore free, mine wasn’t free. Oh really? It’s true, I had to pay a copay each time I went to see a doctor and each time I had a physical therapy session. However, the copay was reasonable and affordable and worth the cost to me. Is his healthcare really free? Wonder what he pays in income taxes compared to me.

Some questions to ask on the debate over national healthcare are:

If something is working why change it?

If something has some things that need to be reformed, then why not address those places for reform instead of scraping the entire healthcare system?

If government takes over the national healthcare system, then you must ask yourself - when has a government run anything ever worked?

Has a government monopoly on anything ever proved to be cost efficient?

If a national healthcare system, Obamacare, is so great, then why has congress, Democrats, voted that they do not have to participate in a national healthcare system?

The biggest question of all - Do you want another federal bureau run by another czar or czarina, unanswerable to “we the people”, making healthcare decisions about you and your family? Or - do you want to have the power with your chosen doctor/doctors concerning decisions about your health?

Do you want to have a loved one turned down by a government bureaucracy for treatment, because they are too old for that treatment, because the government figures it’s not cost efficient?

We must use common sense when making decisions of this magnitude.

I said this prior to the election last year - “if Barack Obama wins the election and becomes our next president, and if the Democrats manage to win both houses of congress, then they will destroy this country as we know it”. Come on now, use some common sense. If you agree with Obama and the Democrats, fine. You need to educate yourself on our founding and what the founding fathers created in this nation of ours. You need to find out the history of the “great depression” that occurred here in the early 20th century and compare it to what is going on now. Another question we need to ask, can you borrow or spend yourself out of debt? Our present government, the Obamacrats, seem to think this is the way. Oh, I forgot, they can print money when needed, forget about inflation and our children and liberty and freedom.

A National healthcare system is not about national healthcare, it’s about more government power in the hands of Obama and the Democrats, but mainly Obama. It’s part of Barack Obama’s plan to change this country to what it is not. The more powerful government becomes the more liberty and freedom “we the people” lose. Once lost, it will be almost impossible to regain. It’s about changing this country into The U.S.S.A. - The United Socialist States of America. Tell me, where has socialism worked anywhere in the world? “…change we can believe in…” Right!?

Some books to consider:

The Five Thousand Year Leap

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers

Culture of Corruption

Liberty and Tyranny


Glenn Beck's Commonsense

The Top Ten Myths of American Health

Road to Serfdom

American Progressivism

Liberty Versus the Tyranny of Socialism

Suggestion: Play the Youtube videos at bottom of this post.

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Have a great day!
As Featured On EzineArticles

Liberty Tom

Friday, August 7, 2009

Political Thoughts

tu ne cede malis

Good day to all of you, how are you today? IT’S FRIDAY! YEA! We’ve waited the whole week, and now the week-end is upon us. We can go act like fools, we are free for the week-end - yea! For those of you that are not free for the week-end, my heart goes out to you, all I can say is get another job that you don’t have to work the week-end.
Why am I so happy about the week-end coming on? Simply because I am a full time worker myself, I mean, besides doing this internet thing. I have a “job” that I go to everyday, five days a week.

There are some thoughts I’d like to share with you today, they’re not all political thoughts, most of them probably are political thoughts, I’ll try to have at least one non political thought for you. Remember, this is a political thoughts blog. There, I’ve said “political thoughts” enough.

Non Political Thoughts:

There’s a poem that I really like and would like to share it with you. Maybe, some of you have already exposed yourself to it, that’s o.k. Many years ago (probably thirty plus) I ran across a poem, I liked it and even got a record with it on it. The name of it is Desiderata, enjoy.

Some Political Thoughts and Links:

On my way to work last night I was listening to Mark Levin on the radio and he talked about an article that appeared in NRO (National Review Online). I read the article this morning, it was worth the time. The title of the article is Obama vs. Mathematics, by Jagadeesh Gokhale & Kent Smetters. Their premise is “health care plus higher taxes only on the ‘rich’ equals disaster.”

I read some other articles about national health care worthy of your time:

Do We Want Socialized Medicine?

‘The Doctor Will See All of You Now”

Abortion By Any Other Name Is In Health Care Bill

Democrats’ Fear Is Showing on Health Care

The Real Right to Medical Care versus Socialized Medicine

Some other articles worth your time to read:

New Rules For Radicals

What Wrong With Socialism? (notice the date)

Letter from 2012 (first appeared in October 2008)
After you read this letter you can do a google search and check out what other websites had to say about the letter, click here: Google

Hope you have enjoyed and gathered some new or different insight, knowledge, etc today from my political thoughts for the day.

If you notice to the right, I’ve started a list of links you can go to. Right now, there is only two. I’m going to add several more in the very near future. You may, also, go to one of my sponsors,
Patriot Depot or Amazon. The links are on the top right on this page. Browse, you might find something you'd like to have. I almost forgot to mention again - check out some of the YouTube videos I have on all my postings, they're really good!

Have a nice day and a wonderful week-end.

tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito

Liberty Tom