There is so much to say and so little time to say it and so many places on the internet that are saying it, why should I even attempt to say anything…? Maybe it will just give me personal satisfaction that I went on the record and had my say. But who’s going to read it? I’ve been told by my mentors that the more I blog the better chances I have for more people to find me on the internet. I’ll attempt to take their advise and see what we shall see. But I digress.
Flash - I have The Fox News Channel on in another room and The Mike Huckabee Show is on, I heard him just say, that the majority of people in United States are saying they don’t want government provided healthcare, but the politicians are going to do it anyway and ignore “we the people”… I agree, the politicians are going to do whatever they want to do, they don’t really care about “we the people”. Well, perhaps there are some that actually do care, and do try to listen to the people, but right now, I believe, that they are in the minority and don’t have the numbers in congress, yet. Just remember, it is us, “we the people”, that, hopefully, still have the power in this nation. “Throw The Bums Out!” I know, my U.S. Congressman and both my U.S. Senators are in the class of bums that need to be thrown out. That’s another topic for discussion, another day.
What I wanted to share, is what tu ne cede malis means and it’s significance. I wear on one of my wrist what is called a “power band” or “liberty band”, with the phrase tu ne cede malis printed on it. Tu ne cede malis, means, “do not give in to evil”, the complete phrase is tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito, which means “do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it”. The origin of the phrase comes from Virgil’s Aeneid.
On the other side of my “liberty band,” you’ll find the name of the website that I acquired it from,, which is the website of The Ludwig von Mises Institute based in Auburn, Alabama.The Institute was established in 1982 and is inspired by the works of Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises.
Ludwig von Mises chose this phrase, tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito, as his guiding principle in life. The official motto of the institute, appropriately, is tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito.
The reason I have given you all this information, is because I wanted you to know a little of the background of The Ludwig von Mises Institute before I point out and briefly comment on an article I read on their website. Their website, is abundantly full of scholarly works, daily articles and even things like liberty bracelets. I frequent their website almost daily, and expose myself to new knowledgeable information that applies to current events and analysis of our culture.
The article describes that the government is attempting to establish a government run healthcare monopoly that would eventually drive out of existence the private healthcare insurance industry. For sure, the government is the Democrats and Barack Obama, with a few rhinos (republican in name only) - my comment, not the author of the article. He continues with, in his view, of how difficult and actually a no win situation for the private insurance companies competing with the government would be, knowing that the government can control the rules of the game. Isn't that unfair competition - if one party can control the rules of the game? Whoever said that the government was fair?
The article goes on explaining healthcare costs. The author describes how countries adopting socialized healthcare have suffered from price-control-induced shortages and the results of that happening. He sites Canada as an example of what can happen with a system of national healthcare. I do not want this to happen to us here in the United States.
Price controls, shortages of medical personnel, doctors and nurses, waiting list for necessary treatments, rationing of health care… The author concludes: “This is America’s future, if “ObamaCare: becomes a reality.”
To read the complete article, click on - “Socialized Healthcare vs. The Laws of Economics”
Also, I have on this site several YouTube videos. While you’re here, take a moment to play the two to the right of this post - especially the historical one of Ronald Reagan speaking out against socialized medicine, it still relates to today.
I had to go back and edit this post. I want to point out the video at the bottom of this post. I searched and found the song U.S.S. of A. I liked the song and never heard of the artists, Ron and Kay Rivoli. After posting the video under this post, I listened to each song that is on the video, well I am impressed and really enjoyed each and every song by them. If you feel as I do after playing them, click here: The Rivoli Revue, it will take you to their website.
Before I go, a brief word from our sponsors- on the top right on this site - you see “Tools For A Second America Revolution” - click on “Patriot depot” and you’ll find some unique supplies for a conservative revolution or click on “Liberty Tom’s Picks”, it will take you to some items that has available. Browse thru the selections - there just might be something you would like to have. Thank you.
Tu ne cede malis
Liberty Tom
Sunday, August 2, 2009
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Well done Tom. I am an Australian living in NYC and believe me we have the same problems in Australia as America has here. Keep up the fight!